The vision for Rub That Rocks began back in 2017… and 1980 something. Hello, my name is Craig and I’m a Creative Entrepreneur.
In 2007 I founded Design That Rocks, a client-focused creative agency providing design, branding, social strategy and — you get idea. My creativity has always been fueled by two of my personal passions: music and cooking. In my ongoing efforts to become a grillmaster, I eventually expanded with a new smoker and began developing my own custom rub spice blends. I spent hours testing, hours researching and hours revising recipes — all accompanied by hours of cranked 80s metal!
In the Fall of 2017 I was having a discussion with one of my clients and casually mentioned my custom rub creations. “I’d love to try it sometime” was all I needed to hear. I gifted three pouches of rub that holiday season using kraft re-sealable pouches with a simple laser printer sticker. Rub That Rocks was born.
In the years that followed I focused on growing the Rub That Rocks brand and making it available for anyone that wants to try.
"I see your face every time I dream On every page, every magazine."
Joe E from Def Leppard
"your rubs definitely add to the pow factor."
Keith S rockin’ in California
"what? You don't rock that rub on everything? who are you???"
Phylece L rockin’ in Pennsylvania